“The perfect solution”- Creating a flexible and adaptable space in a physio clinic

Richard Game recently bought a screen for his private physio clinic, Gameplan, in West London. It’s helped him transform his premises into an adaptable and flexible space, as well as helping with his brand image. 

The history of Gameplan

Richard’s been a physio for many years, with experience working in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. He explains, “When you’ve done a profession for a long time, you develop a belief system of how things should be done. I eventually reached a point where I knew the service I wanted to deliver”. And so, on the 23rd of February 2020, he set up Gameplan, only to be forced to close just a month later. 

Now however, after facing turbulent times wrought by the pandemic, the business is going from strength to strength, with plans to hire a masseuse, a pilates instructor and plans to expand the premises.

The name itself ties in with his personal philosophy, that the most important thing is having a plan, whether that plan is to be able to get out of your armchair after a hip replacement or whether it’s bouncing back after a ligament injury to return to your professional rugby career. 

“Above all, Gameplan is a quality service that only uses quality products and treatments, so KwickScreen ties in perfectly with that agenda.”

Richard Game with his KwickScreens in his physio clinic Gameplan

More flexible than curtains 

To take his business to the next level, Richard was looking for a portable treatment screen so he could divide his clinic into a few different spaces when treating his patients. Upon his initial search, most of what came up were either fabric or perspex screens, which, in his words “are just solid lumps of material that are arduous to move and store”.

He also didn’t want to opt for curtains, as these would look cheap, clinical and old fashioned. What’s more, they would give him no flexibility.  

Transforming the clinic into a versatile space

Instead, he now uses a KwickScreen Duo, our dual panel screen that can be used to create one long 6m barrier in a continuous line, or in an L-shape to create a private bay. It’s lightweight, portable, and has a very small storage footprint when not in use. 

“It’s practical, it’s mobile, but the best thing for me is that this space goes from a regular space to a highly adaptable space which, when I opened the clinic, was exactly what I wanted it to be.” 

He uses the screen every day, primarily to create a private cubicle area for his patients when there are other people in the waiting area. He also extends both of the screens to create a 6m corridor space, which allows him to work in the gym space whilst another physio or psychologist works uninterrupted on the other side of the screen.

KwickScreens in the physio clinic Gameplan

Adding a professional feel

With regards to the branding on the screen, Richard was impressed. He says it’s really helped him to achieve a more professional feel in his clinic, which he simply wouldn’t have been able to achieve with a low quality curtain or a plain screen.

I haven’t had a single person who’s seen it and not said “Wow, that’s really cool”. 

It also helps him with advertising and pushing the brand forward- he even extends the screen across the windows of his premises when he locks up so passers by can see the Gameplan logo as they walk past!


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